White's career in photography first took off in the year of 1938 when he started working for the Works Progress Administration. White using differently lightings in his pictures to change the feel that his photos give off to others. Through his efforts in his range of expressions with in his works, White became a very influential and highly known photographer oh his century. Minor White also dealt with reflections in his photography as well. Capturing images through their reflections on a window, or any type of glass. Other than just being a photographer, White also taught at MIT about photography for the last 10 years of his life. And within MIT, White taught a class about Zone System, which was about the way to develop a film and pictures so that they would turn out the way the photographers wanted. By using film exposures and such to change the lighting and colors of photos.
"A very receptive state of mind... not unlike a sheet of film itself - seemingly inert, yet so sensitive that a fraction of a second's exposure conceives a life in it." ~Minor WhiteThis class that White taught became very popular that they soon restricted it to only seniors who could take this course. White was also the co-founder of a magazine called the Aperture during 1952. White edited the magazine from 1952 until 1976, when he died. The Aperture was a magazine devoted to Fine Art Photographies. Down below shows some of Whites many works in photography:
"Often while traveling with a camera we arrive just as the sun slips over the horizon of a moment, too late to expose film, only time enough to expose our hearts." -Minor White